Personal Identification
Name / surnameMaya
BreedRhodesian ridgeback
Date of birthOctober 16, 2004
Place of birthBrno, Czech Republic
Our Mayenka
I was born in half of October, 2004. I have eight siblings. When I was two months old I moved to my new home under the leadership of my master. After spending few weeks in my master flat I got a huge present - my own house in the garden.

As I grew up my master found a nice activity to perform with me - to visit coursing races when I get in touch with many dogs and I started to be properly socialised. However, I was still young, sniffing around too much.

Therefore I and my master decided to regularly visit dog training to made me the best, obedient dog ever. And after two years of training our efforts were appreciated by my winning of local Obedience Competition.